A record-breaking 77,504 households in Grampian have responded using our automated response service within the first month of the annual household canvass.  This is a 17% increase in take up of our automated response service compared to last year and means that more households than ever before are saving our postage costs by responding online or by phone or SMS text.

We are currently printing reminder letters that will be delivered by mail to households from Friday 3 August.  If you have not already responded to your household enquiry form please don’t wait for the reminder – respond as soon as you can using our automated response services with the security codes we provided on your household enquiry form.  To do this now 

Go to www.householdresponse.com/grampian


Text the security codes to 80212


Call 0800 197 9871

If you do not have internet access and cannot use the telephone or text response services you can post your completed form back to us.

Remember – the household enquiry form is not a registration form – households must respond by law even if everyone is already registered to vote.  The law also requires us to follow-up every household that does not respond with a reminder letter and if necessary a personal visit.